本项目以 " DREAM / 梦想 " 为概念,重新审视都市生活的需求,重新解构原本过于紧凑的空间,重新定义了空间赋予生活的意义,给居住者提供居住,娱乐,工作和放松为一体的自由舒适的梦想生活之家! 该项目原是一套由多个零碎空间组成的紧凑三居室。家的体验是情感的承载,如此冰冷而封闭的组合实在难以为其中居住的人提供可持续性的情感支持,所以在设计之初我们有意识对原有的结构和布局做出改动。我们设计了一系列半开放空间,给居住其中的人们创造更多交流的机会。我们在尊重原有空间功能性的同时,尽可能地以活动轨道或是可透视的材质创造出明亮开阔的空间。 不同材质交织的立面,以利落的线条分割,彰显出干练的风格与时尚气质。柔和精准的灯光则为空间营造了感性而优雅的氛围,让人们真正感受到回归“心之栖所”的惬意。
This project takes “Dream” as its concept, which favors us a chance to reconsider what the modern urban living is about. We believe to reconstruct the tight layout or to satisfy the need of living, entertainment, work and relaxing be the answer to create a meaningful and comfortable life style. The original layout of the project is an apartment with three small bedrooms which separate the space into few isolated parts. With this arrangement the living experience is dull and indifferent not to mention the mutual communication of the people who live within. What we try to enhance is the consistent emotional support between the family members that finally lead us to a better life. Thus we made dramatically change of the layout and moving lines as our first step to achieve the goal. Mobile tracks and semi-transparent materials have been applied for the space to maintain the original function and create a bright and flexible space where communication is naturally encouraged. Diverse material and clear line structure is the most remarkable feature of this chic home while the soft and precisely controlled lighting provide perfect foil for the elegant atmosphere. Thus we create dream house for our heart to lie on.