The tone of the whole space is warmth and restraint, not only the modern art of living style is expressed to the extreme, but also don’t miss delicate and soft family atmosphere, each family members can find independent private space, and also can communicate and share in the sufficient public areas, backing to the contemporary elites’ residential home original intention.
趣味小儿子房,灵动有致的猫咪画、Ibride小黑鸭置物架、水滴抱枕、斑马主题床品,这里好似在开一场动物主题运动会,暗合空间居住者的乖萌气质。 不断变换的主题卧室,或慵懒、或简练、或萌趣、或艺术,巧妙灵动地并置,不变的空间质感与视觉设计语言,暗藏别具一格的生机和独到审美。