项目名称 | 天趣·自在
项目地址 | 成都天府大道177号23栋2层
项目面积 | 1480m²
设计单位 | YDS姚晓冰设计事务所
主案设计师 | 姚晓冰
艺术总监 | 李红
辅助设计师 | 梁欢
设计起止日期 | 2020年8月-11月
完工时间 | 2021年5月23日
主要材料 | 金砖、大理石、仿铜不锈钢、玻璃砖、艺术涂料、夹丝玻璃、烧木+瓦、回字形红砖、竹艺装置
业主名称 | 李沁辕
出镜设计师 | 廖雅丽
项目摄影 | 窦强
前厅 / 霜叶醉墨痕 “空间不是美的边界,空间应当是美之本身”。前厅又唤作四季厅,正如连接室内外的桥梁,自然草木并没有在食客步入此间时顷刻消失,反而环绕四周,融入了极具现代感的装饰之中。设计师在墙面安装了360°LED荧屏,图像中的草木随时间推移可呈现出四季的变换,从青翠蓊郁到秋色尽染,呼应了天趣餐厅“取节令应时之材,烹四季养生美食”的经营理念,用人工的物象生动表达出与自然相处的古老智慧。 "Space doesn’t mean the boundary of beauty, but the beauty itself". The vestibule, also called the Four Seasons Hall, is like a bridge between the inside and the outside. The natural vegetation does not disappear immediately when diners enter into the hall, but merging with modern decorations. The designer installed a 360° LED screen on the wall where the vegetation can show the change of the four seasons over time, from lush green to fully dyed autumn color, echoing with the business philosophy of Natural Appeal Restaurant that taking seasonal materials to cook seasonal health food, and using artificial objects to vividly express the ancient wisdom of getting along with nature.