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企业家之家 | 精于外,蕴于内

7461 2021-01-13T22:58:55 21 [佳作]
设计师: 付军
企业家之家 | 精于外,蕴于内说明:



The essence of architecture is space, and the essence of space is to serve people.


-- John. portman



Interior is the soul of architecture, the combination of human art and material courtesy.



The Entrepreneur House is located in 12 single buildings overlooking the lake. They have no Numbers, but are all named after constellations. They are very distinctive.



This is a comprehensive service place for local entrepreneurs to exchange ideas, experience, business negotiation and reception.




I think people and space should have some kind of conscious connection, a metaphysical connection, a poetic connection.



For the enterprise senior private club design, should grasp the delicate balance point, to create a intimate and solemn, both formal business, but also do not lose comfortable space.


Is a set of functional requirements and spiritual needs as one of the integrated products.




Form following function



The design space should be full of dynamic orientation induction, perspective and vivid and clear creation, dynamic is creative, seeking to express the human activity itself.




The ingenious design of metal, marble, white paint fusion in one, get rid of the previous high-end club vulgar stereotypes. The whole space is mainly white, with wood decoration, natural and elegant, black and white interweave, is the collision of science and technology with nature, time and space.





If the structure is a statement, you don't try to change it, all you have to do is solve the problem and find the most suitable answer.



In order to avoid the single expression of space form, reflect the rich diversity of the space level, with some entities to divide, mutual circulation, borrowing each other, the design of a variety of forms of private club space, and clever combination, so that there are small, small see big, rich levels, mutual integration.





A series of elements such as space, interface and furniture are used to grasp the nature and use of each space environment of the club, so that our cultural decoration and space vision create a harmonious and unified atmosphere.



On the premise of meeting the practical function, it pursues the combination of interior design space and architecture, achieves the unified spiritual appeal, and expresses the modern sense, comfortable and humanistic care space.




项目名称 | 企业家之家

Project name | Home of entrepreneurs
地    址 | 四川省宜宾市临港白沙湖·水街
address | Baisha Lake · Water Street, Lingang, Yibin city, Sichuan Province, China
设计单位 | 四川素合上域装饰设计有限公司
Design unit | sichuan plain closed domain decoration design co., LTD
设 计 师 | 付军
Main designer| jun fu
施工单位 | 四川达达建设工程有限公司
Construction unit | Sichuan Dada Construction Engineering Co. LTD
摄影单位 | M4建筑空间摄影  龙武
Taken a picture | M4 Architectural space photography  wu long
设计时间 | 2018年4月
Design time | In April 2018
竣工时间 | 2018年6月
Time for completion | In June 2018
面    积 | 936㎡
area | 936㎡
主材运用 | 木质、白墙、不锈钢、水泥质感漆

Advocate the use of  |  Wood, white walls, stainless steel, cement texture paint

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